Short Bio

I am an organizer, campaigner and trainer with a passion for social movements, deep ecology and economic transformation. I currently work on publishing my book ‘Wat jou te doen staat voor het klimaat’ with Ambo-Anthos and on a documentary about economic transformation. Previous projects I co-founded include the Slow Fashion Movement, sailing thinktank 'Sail to the COP'. I am based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.


Photo by Tatjana Almuli


Education & Training

I’m a non-fiction and workshop-nerd 🤓 I learn at least half of what I know by reading books, the other half is taught in workshops, courses and studies.

  • 2013 - Bachelors at University College Utrecht, Liberal arts & Sciences with a major in Sociology & Psychology

  • 2015 - Master in Sociology at University of Amsterdam

  • 2016 - Participant Nationale Denktank

  • 2019 - Personal Leadership course at Amethist Amersfoort

  • 2019 - Summer school in Degrowth and Environmental Justice at the University of Barcelona

  • 2021 - Summer School in Decolonization at the University of Barcelona (online)

  • 2021 - Presencing Foundation Course in Theory U (online)

  • 2021 - Roots for Resilience course (online)

  • 2021 - Meditation at Buddhist centre Nyingma Amsterdam

  • 2022 - Foundations for Facilitation Year-long Facilitator training with the Work that Reconnects by Joanna Macy (online)

Projects I have worked on



I see organizing as turning an idea into action and getting people involved in making that happen. In everything I organize it’s my goal to connect people to a cause and to each other. Everything I have organized was done as a group so please read this page as a we-did-it list ❤️


Activist Bootcamp

As part of the climate festival ‘Warming Up’ at the Tolhuistuin in Amsterdam I organized Activist Bootcamp: a training day for young aspiring activists and activistic professionals. Leading up to COP26 participants were given tools and inspiration by activist role models from the climate and other social movements.

Warming Up Festival


Sail to the COP

A sailing thinktank and campaign for sustainable and just travel. We sailed off in 2019 to go to the COP25 climate negotiations in Chile, with 36 participants from all over Europe to raise awareness on the impact of aviation. I coordinated the thinktank and partnerships, with amongst others the Ministry of Infrastructure, ProRail, Climate KIC Europe and Friends of the Earth.

Sail to the COP

Local Conference of Youth

Co-coördinator in organizing the Local Conference of Youth (LCOY) Netherlands together with +-20 students. A youth-led Climate Conference in Amsterdam for 200 young participants running up towards the climate negotiations COP24 in Katowice, Poland in 2018.


Make the World Great Again Festival

Organized a collective action festival at sustainable hub the Ceuvel in Amsterdam. A day with +- 900 visitors joining workshops on how to take action: changing banks, clothes swap, starting an activist group. I was part of the coordination team and was responsible for partnerships and the program.

Make the World Great Again

Campaigning work

I raise my own voice and help people raise theirs. From mass behavioral change campaigns to political divestment movements. I see campaigning as an essential part of the ‘Great Turning’: the transition to a socially and ecologically just society. To build the future we need all of us, time to get everyone on board!

Slow Fashion Movement

Co-founded Slow Fashion Movement and mobilized 10.000 people in the Slow Fashion Season campaign in 2020. Coordinated an international team of +20 volunteers by designing campaign strategy, mobilization tools to reach out to friends and family, social media challenges.


FossilFree Netherlands

Coordinated the Fossilfree group at my university, University of Amsterdam. Set up actions, helped mobilizing for marches, coordinated a national action day together with other University teams.

Summer Without Flying

Mobilized one airplane aka 189 people (and a littlebit more) to join me in a crowd-action: a summer without flying. The campaign call to action: ‘If 189 people join, we will all commit to not fly for a summer’. Got interviewed in the local Amsterdam newspaper.


Action Tax on Kerosine

Prepared theatrical action with group from Sail to the COP to support Minister of Finance Menno Snel in asking European Ministers for a tax on kerosine. Made the national news NOS.


I love training people as much as I love taking part in workshops & trainings myself. To transform our society we need to strengthen our capacities: becoming not just activists but guides for change. I guide people in finding their role in the climate crisis, Deep Ecology, movement building and thinktank processes.


Deep Ecology

I give workshops in ‘Active Hope’ based on the work called The Work that Reconnects of eco-philosopher Joanna Macy. This method combines Buddhism and systems thinking. I completed a 6-month program from September - March 2022 to deepen my facilitation practice.


Finding your role in Climate Change

How can I contribute to tackling the climate crisis? Diving into different theories of change, movement building strategy, areas of impact and personal values and skills. Participants get out of the workshop with a clearer idea of what they want to do and concrete next steps.


Movement Building Strategies

Using my experience of being part of the Fossilfree movement and setting up the Slow Fashion Movement I train groups and organizations in movement building strategies. How can you build a movement within your community, company or society? I combine a theoretical background of movement building, practical tools and personal experiences.


Climate Crisis Course

I organize an 8-week course on the science behind climate change and ecological challenges. The course itself is taught by climate geologist Joep van Dijk and I’m a proud initiator and first participant. For now only in Dutch in the Netherlands but we have dreams of expanding globally!